1. Transition Harrison's room from nursery to big boy room.
2. Merge office into guest bedroom downstairs.
3. Sell all work out equipment (that we NEVER use) and transition room into a playroom.
4. Decorate old office and create new nursery!
5. Insulate the garage ceiling so the new playroom and nursery are not FREEZING in the winter.
The past two months I have been able to sell our elliptical and treadmill machines on craigslist. Craigslist and I have a love/hate relationship. I love that people come to your house, give me money and haul my stuff away! I hate how many people email and waste my time. Oh well.
On Sunday, Adam and I filled all the holes with joint compound and began sanding the walls. The putty was taking forever to dry so I suggested that we get started on building the stage. Jordan came over and the two of them took over the project. Using the free plywood and 2x4s that my step-dad Dave gave us, they created a 3x6 foot stage for our little guy. He loves to sing, dance and be the center of attention so I thought he would love a stage. I was right!!! We needed curtains so I hemmed the old curtains from the office and hung them on the shower curtain rod from Harrison's closet. It looks perfect!!!
Last night, Adam spent most of the evening sanding everything. Walls, ceilings, and the stage. He looked like John McCain when he was finished. I wish I would have taken a picture... he was covered from head to toe in white! We were expecting to be able to paint yesterday but are learning that everything always takes twice as long as planned!
Tonight was painting night one. When we originally painted Harrison's nursery, we bought two gallons of paint and only used one, so FREE paint was sitting in our garage just waiting to be used. So now our playroom is green. :) I used the rest of the navy paint from Harrison's dresser to paint the stage.