On September 28st, I decided I was DONE being pregnant! I finally worked up the nerve to try the caster oil. I had read all the great stories of women who had their babies hours after wards and the horror stories of women who spent the evening on the pot! But I decided I was having my baby that night, so I did it! Unfortunately, I got sick... really sick. I was sad and went to bed. I woke up at 3:30 having tons of contractions. I laid in bed for an hour before I decided that I should tell Adam. He just grunted and rolled over! I took a shower and made Adam take a walk with me at 6 in the morning. We finally decided to head to the hospital since my contractions were 2 minutes apart! Fast forward 18 hours... no baby... no dilation... still having contractions and miserable. The hospital gave me some meds to stop my labor and I was sent home. :(
Well, October 6 came and went and I was still pregnant! Dr. Magee said I could wait until next week and they can induce me or we could have a baby on Wed (Oct. 7). Of course I picked the 7th! Seriously, who would volunteer to be pregnant for an extra week?!?
We went to the hospital on the 7th at 7 am. They hooked me up to the pitocin and I had a BEAUTIFUL baby boy at 3:11 pm!
Harrison Grant Kroeger weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches tall. He looks exactly like Adam! The entire time we were at the hospital the nurses called Harrison "Mini- me"! Adam even went with Harrison to get circumcised and the nurses have to check bracelets for ID. They just told Adam "that baby is definitely yours" and never glanced at the bracelet!
The birth was perfect! My epidural was WONDERFUL! I highly recommend those. :)
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